
Adults can contact me by email here. I'm on Twitter @kateklise.
I blog over here on my other site.
For anyone under the age of 18 who would like to connect, please send me an old-fashioned letter. Why? Because I learned how to write books by writing letters to my aunts, cousins, sisters, brother, parents, friends, and even a few teachers. If you're interested in being a writer, I urge you to write slow, old-fashioned, low-tech letters to someone in your life. It could be a grandparent, a neighbor who's moved away, an imaginary friend, or me.
Here's my mailing address:
Kate Klise
P.O. Box 744
Mountain Grove, MO 65711
I always try to write back. Just give me time. Your letters make my day!
I blog over here on my other site.
For anyone under the age of 18 who would like to connect, please send me an old-fashioned letter. Why? Because I learned how to write books by writing letters to my aunts, cousins, sisters, brother, parents, friends, and even a few teachers. If you're interested in being a writer, I urge you to write slow, old-fashioned, low-tech letters to someone in your life. It could be a grandparent, a neighbor who's moved away, an imaginary friend, or me.
Here's my mailing address:
Kate Klise
P.O. Box 744
Mountain Grove, MO 65711
I always try to write back. Just give me time. Your letters make my day!